If your licence was cancelled for your offence before 30 April 2018 and you still haven’t been relicensed, the BCP is now an additional requirement for you. This is the case even if you didn’t originally have a driver education requirement for your offence.
From 30 April 2018 the BCP must be completed before you can apply for a new licence even if you did not originally have a driver education requirement for the offence. This applies if your drink and/or drug driving offences happened before the new laws came in, and:
The Behaviour Change Program is designed to help you identify the underlying reason for your drink
and/or drug-driving offence and identify ways to reduce the risk of re-offending.
To complete the Behaviour Change Program, you’ll need to participate in all program components, including:
The type of BCP you need to complete depends on the details of your offence. Refer to the below table for details.
You’ll receive a letter from us that has important information about enrolling in the right program. Please have this letter with you when booking into the BCP.
If you have not received this letter or if you’re not sure about which BCP to complete, please contact us at (03) 92059490.
If your offence was on or after 30 April 2018, you’ll need to complete a BCP for each drink and/or drug driving offence.
If your most recent offence was before 30 April 2018, and if you have to complete the BCP for your offence, you’ll only need to do one program.
If you have completed the Drink Driver Program or the Drug Driver Program and you re-offend, you’ll be required to complete the Intensive Drink and Drug Driver Program
The Behaviour Change Program has been developed to help participants explore the reasons behind their drink and/or drug-driving offence, and provide an opportunity to explore the consequences of their offence on themselves and those around them. It also helps to identify the benefits of not re-offending. The program enables participants to develop an action plan to assist them to not drink and or drug drive again. The program also provides referral support for those who have alcohol or drug use concerns.
Drink Driver Program – The program is held over two sessions, one week apart.
Each session runs for approximately 3.5 hours and includes a break/s. The maximum number of participants in a group is 12.
Drug Driver Program – The program is held over two sessions, one week apart.
Each session will run for approximately 3.5 hours and includes a break/s. The maximum number of participants is 10.
Intensive Drink and Drug Driver Program – The program is held over four sessions.
There will be three 3.5 hour sessions (includes a break/s) and a one on one counselling session with the facilitator prior to the third group session.
The maximum number of participants is 8.
If you’ve committed a drink-driving offence and you’re a participant in the Intensive Drink and Drug Driver Program, you’ll also need to complete a 2-hour Pre-Interlock Removal Program before you can have your alcohol interlock removed.
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